- Consider contactless technology for room access.
- Consider “sealing” the room for a set period of time after rigorous cleaning, to ensure sanitation. Provide other in-room signals of cleanliness (housekeeping cards, safety seals on mini bar, glass covers, etc.).
- Use in-room entertainment to promote hotel’s new standards and provide information regrading what to expect when dining, in-room.
- Provide disposable menus and avoid the use of reusable information binders unless sanitized and sealed.
- Provide information so that guests may use their own phones, rather than the room phone, to place in-room dining orders.
- Consider installation of touchless sanitizers in corridors, elevators, and rooms.
- Cover and protect food between kitchen and room. Drape trays to ensure plates do not come into direct contact with communal delivery cart surfaces.
- Designate sanitized routes and responsible staff to deliver meals from kitchen to guest areas, with automatic hand sanitizer before and after doors/surfaces that must be touched.
- Designate separate routes and responsible staff for returning dishes, to avoid cross-contamination.
- Use disposable printed materials and in-room signage to establish clear expectations regarding placing orders, receiving their meals, any interaction with staff, payment, and disposal of their dishes.
- Offer in-room dining related information upon customer check in. Provide additional information at each moment of interaction such as instructions on the in-room menu, verbal communication on processes when taking orders and delivery.
- Present customers with service options when taking orders. Explain clearly and transparently on any extra precautions being taken for different levels of engagement.
- As possible, strive to avoid any contact between guests and staff. Consider reserving a sanitized passage specifically for the purpose of in-room food delivery. Once food is delivered, staff uses a separate route to avoid cross contamination.
- Consider having dedicated staff for food wrapping and placement, delivery, and trash/tray/flatware collection.
- Ensure all food and beverages are covered and/or sealed upon delivery. Provide all necessary cutlery and implements (bottle opener, etc.).
- Provide condiments in individual portions, along with sanitary wipes and extra disposable napkins.
- Delivery staff should wear all required PPE and practice sanitation procedures when delivering the food. Avoid any direct contact with food placed on cart at any given moment.
- Announce arrival of food and inquire about customers’ preference for service at the point of delivery. Inform customers on after-meal trash/tray/flatware collection process.
- Allow customers to signal finishing of meal through phone calls and digital platforms while actively reaching out after 20-30 minutes of food delivery to ensure a prompt and timely collection of trash/tray/dirty dishes.
- Closely monitor any trash, trays, dirty dishes left in the hallways by leveraging existing closed–circuit television and service staff. Enable necessary cross- department collaboration between security, housekeeping, and hotel restaurant for a better result.
- Charge in-room service to the room if possible. Provide sanitation wipes and hand sanitizer if a signature is mandatory.