Bars and Lounges require special considerations given the character of the environment, presence of alcohol, and more varied seating types. Bars and lounges may also be subject to different or additional state or local restrictions as compared to restaurants.
In addition to general Hotel Restaurant Dining Room guidance, please consider the following additional recommendations as you craft your specific reopening plans:
In addition to general Hotel Restaurant Dining Room guidance, please consider the following additional recommendations as you craft your specific reopening plans:
- Limit occupancy to support current social distancing requirements. Begin queuing outside to meter entering patrons and promote availability of other options (takeout, delivery, curbside pick-up, etc.).
- Enliven appropriately licensed outdoor seating areas to increase appeal. Consider disposable paper menu and outdoor table service to overcome interior capacity challenges during peak periods. Adhere to local liquor laws that may impact sales and exterior seating.
- As possible, consider dedicated entry and exit to completely segment arriving and departing patrons.
- Provide a clear view from interior to exterior through entry doors or adjacent window, as well as sufficient circulation space, so passing customers can avoid collisions and maintain 6’ of distance through narrower entryways as they pass.
- Provide guidance on how diners should pass each other when space is very constrained.
- See Hotel Restaurant Dining Room guidance.
- Consider the use of menu boards that might replace disposable menus. They should be easily visible from a distance to decrease need to approach bar.
- Provide additional protection between staff and patrons at bar (plex panels, etc.).
- If bar service is allowed, separate order and pickup point as much as possible. Suggest patrons wait for their order at their table, or approach the bar only when invited to do so.
- Do not allow people to congregate at the bar, and do not allow people to eat or drink while standing.
- No self-serve beverages or communal food items of any kind (nuts, etc.). Garnishes, etc., should be kept out of customer’s reach at the bar.
- Bartender should remain behind the bar and change gloves, frequently. Servers should only engage with seated guests. Use disposable towels and provide additional trash receptacles.
- Remove communal self-serve condiment and cutlery stations. Single-serve condiments to be provided upon request, and cutlery provided with each order.
- Clearly post and reinforce maximum party size in casual seating areas.
- Remove extra tables and chairs so social distancing is more easily enforced. Remove or overtly block portions of large, communal tables. Respace soft seating areas to achieve 6’ distance between parties.
- Bar and counter seating is discouraged, and possibly not allowed. If opened, ensure bar seats are 6’ apart and limit party size to avoid frequent reconfiguration of barstools by patrons.
- If bar service is allowed, provide reasonable pass-through for food and beverages to minimize contact. Clearly communicate expectations (signage) about how food and beverages will be delivered to avoid confusion.
- Consider expanding bar service to underutilized spaces. Separate, furnish, and enliven them so they feel purposeful, while supporting social distancing and necessary staff circulation spaces. Adhere to local liquor laws and ensure space is appropriately signed.
- Deliver sealed or covered beverages and allow diners to open/remove covering. All refills must be delivered in a fresh glass (no refills at the table). If opening bottled wine, etc., put on fresh gloves as perform in front of guests, allowing guests to pour.